🤖 Hey there!
I'm FEWS, your Earned Income bot.

... I can analyze your income and give it a letter grade to help you see if you're on track for your financial goals.

Letter Grade A

👉🏿 Ready, Set, Go!

Aim high, achieve more. Set your Daily Income Goal!

📊 Instruction

  1. Step 1: Create a Secret Code
    Pick a 5-letter or number code (like A1234 or MONEY) to see your results later.

  2. Step 2: Pick Your Location
    Tell us which state you're in (like New York).

  3. Step 3: How Much Did You Want to Earn?
    Enter the hourly rate you were hoping for (for example, if you wanted $33.33 per hour, type that in).

  4. Step 4: How Much Did You Actually Make?
    Tell us how much you actually earned this time (for example, if you made $9.15, enter that here).

  5. Step 5: Time Spent
    Enter how long it took you to earn that money (in minutes) (for example, if you took 25 minutes type that in).

  6. Step 6: Distance Traveled (Optional)
    If applicable, enter the distance you traveled (in miles) (for example, if you traveled 25 miles type that in).

  7. Step 7: Cash Tip or Ticket? (Optional)
    Did you get any cash tips? Enter the amount here (for example, $3.99).
    If you had to pay for something (like a ticket), enter a negative number (like -$64.99).
    You can leave this blank if it doesn't apply.

  8. Step 8: See Your Results!
    Click the "Calculate" button, and you'll be taken to a new page.
    On that page, enter your secret code from Step 1 (like A1234) to see your results.

    Important Notice: Minimum Wage Data

  1. Please note that the minimum wage information provided here is based on data from various states.
    While I strive for accuracy, wage rates may change over time, and there could be discrepancies due to updates or regional variations.

  2. If you notice any errors or inconsistencies, please contact me immediately so I can address them promptly.
    Your feedback helps me maintain accurate and reliable information.

  3. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation! 😊
© Loading... Built and maintained by Eric Kouassi